Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.
The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.
Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that were posted, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our newsletter and follow the site daily for all the news.
Site Design: Takahisa Mitsumori
Front-end Developer Handbook 2019
Death by PowerPoint: The Slide that Killed Seven People
UX Agenda – UX Conferences, Meetups and Workshops in One Space
Netflix Rejected all these A/B Tested Homepage Variations
Long-form Websites and Typography
Why the US Government Just Made its own Font
New Logo for Ontario
Top Font Combinations
Keyboard Stickers
The Power of Emotions in Illustration
Rethinking Government Contracts – a UX Case Study
The 10 Usability Heuristics – Free Posters for your Design Office
Neue Haas Grotesk, the Other New ‘Helvetica’
The Current State of Progressive Web Apps
Gathering Insights in Google Analytics Can Be as Easy as A-B-C
The Psychology of Pricing
Insights from Designing One Graph a Hundred Times
Ways to Add Perspective in Design
Helvetica Now
A Tool Designers Can Borrow from Writers
What Should Designers Ship?
Totally Incomplete and Utterly Unfinished List of Non White Male Designers to Follow and Listen To.
Managing Complexity
Information Architecture: Building Bridges
Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.