Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers.
The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the best tweets that we sent out this past week.
Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that we tweeted about, so don’t miss out.
To keep up to date with all the cool links, simply follow us @DesignerDepot
Best-of Kickstarter Projects on @Fubiz – http://bit.ly/1Mugvvr
@smashingmag: Gorgeous: A Chrome extension that shows art masterpieces in every new empty Chrome tab http://bit.ly/1Mvqa52
An illustrated celebration of the many things home can mean http://bit.ly/1KL9OIb via
Fun project: Designer Cocktails for St. Patrick’s Day http://bit.ly/1Mwv9As
YouTube Kids announcement http://bit.ly/1b6MJzC
How I, a designer learned to code and released an app in 4 months http://bit.ly/1E7f3cb
Google Calendar for iOS http://apple.co/1HvYpq5
Chrome Extension Ghostery – disable trackers, toggle on which ones you don’t mind tracking you http://bit.ly/1E7dP0t
Play Cards Against Humanity online http://bit.ly/1FOWX0S
Google Store – The new home for the latest products made with Google http://bit.ly/1GGtFoL
Twitter launches
@Design – http://bit.ly/1C7gt9T
Can you identify the correct Apple logo? http://bit.ly/1MsNVZF
David Lynch’s ‘Angriest dog in the world’ comic strip revealed http://bit.ly/1FOrqMw
Brands poke fun at the Apple Watch on Twitter http://bit.ly/1NM6Hyp
5 inventors who regret the products they created http://entm.ag/18d0Y4a
#UX Can Learn from Print http://bit.ly/1AdaWtA
Designing Hardware for the Internet of Things http://bit.ly/1GlpbQM /
The Web’s Grain by Frank Chimero http://bit.ly/1F6rren
Nice tips: how to start an online shop in 15 minutes http://bit.ly/1x9uVbr
Want more? No problem! Keep track of all our tweets by following us @DesignerDepot