The latest release from the Elegant Themes team, is the engaging Extra theme; one of the most promising and complete WordPress magazine themes currently available on the market and powered by Elegant Themes’ own Divi Builder.
Extra boasts many of the same features as Divi, but far from being a simple clone, the code has been refocused to deliver a high-end magazine experience; perfect for blogs and online publications.
Modern style
Extra is designed on an 8 column grid, with the footer switching to 3 columns, which gives a nice ordered feel to the content.
The color scheme is modern, and although you can adjust it, many users will decide to stick with the defaults.
The first thing you’ll notice is the drop down menu. Instead of fading in, or popping up, or any of the standard ways of opening a drop down menu, Extra’s menu folds out using CSS3’s 3D transform. The extra perspective this gives really livens up the page. It’s a super cool effect, without getting in the way of what it’s designed to be; a simple, functional menu.
Extra feels like an ideal lifestyle blog. Its categories, and considered typography, coupled with the page-like fold-down navigation feel very much like a magazine.

Design with Divi Modules
Using Divi’s 40 Content Modules, you can customize the design however you see fit, by simply dragging and dropping modules into place to create your very own magazine layouts.
Dozens of Divi Builder modules are included, ranging from testimonial widgets, to videos, from sliders, to an email opt-in. All of these great modules are supplemented by 7 modules custom built for Extra: Posts, Post Carousel, Featured Post Slider, Masonry Blog Module, Standard Blog, Tabbed Posts, and Advertisements.

Pre-built page templates & layouts
As with most themes, you’ll never use all of the page designs, but it’s great to know you have them available. Extra includes pages for Authors, Timeline, Portfolio, Sitemap, Member’s Login, Contact Us, and Blog Feed. You’ll also find the generic pages Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar, and Fullwidth, which are perfect for any other page you might need to create.
Extra comes with 8 different layouts, so you can pick and choose what style suits your content best. Options include Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, No Sidebar, Magazine Homepage, Image Focused, Masonry Blog, Simple Blog, and Homepage Dark.

Ecommerce enabled
On top of all of this, Extra is ready for WooCommerce, giving you the option to create a full online store. Products can be added with descriptions and images; individual products can even be reviewed and rated by customers with a dedicated ratings system.
A full product search is built-in. And to help drum up sales social media is tied in. And thanks to its Advanced Design Settings and Custom CSS, you can easily edit your call to action buttons. Things like padding, margin, button text size, color, width, or background can all be changed rapidly.

Get Extra
Best of all, the Extra theme is free to Elegant Themes subscribers. Just sign up for Elegant Themes membership and you’ll get access to Extra, and the rest of Elegant Themes’ 85+ WordPress themes.
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