Webdesigner Depot is always looking to add some new regular content contributors!
With more than 80,000 RSS subscribers and over 340,000 Twitter followers, WDD is great exposure for bloggers and designers alike.
We’re looking to hire some regular paid bloggers with a strong design background.
Contributors should be able to write at least one blog post per month, between 1,200 and 2,000 words.
Read on for more details!
We’re particularly looking for contributors knowledgeable about:
- WordPress
- Responsive design
- Mobile design
- “How to” type of posts for web design topics, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
Contributors will need to be familiar with posting via WordPress. Full editorial guidelines will be provided. To apply, please email the following to cameron@webdesignerdepot.com:
- Links to published writing samples, preferably related to design or technology.
- Three topic ideas for WDD.
- How often you can contribute (we’re looking for contributors who can write 1-4 posts/month).
It may take up to a week to hear back, so please be patient. If you haven’t heard back within a week, please feel free to follow up in case we didn’t receive your first email (it’s helpful if you include the information above again, as well as indicating that it’s a follow-up).
Thanks and we look forward to working with you!