Get motivated

In the journey from fledgling startup to full-blown success, any burgeoning business will undoubtedly face its fair share of obstacles along the way. But those who traverse the bumpy road to emerge victorious typically have one thing in common: They choose to see the world through a set of visionary glasses.

With this in mind, Startup Vitamins has produced a series of motivational typographic posters to remind budding entrepreneurs of some simple, yet profound truths. Artfully presented in a clean san-serif font with uncomplicated lines and appropriately nuanced colors, each poster succeeds in letting the message speak for itself. The likes of such forward thinkers as Steve Jobs, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh offer inspiring words of wisdom that, if dutifully practiced, just might separate the ordinary from the extraordinary.

For a very limited time, our sister site is offering 31% off these great posters, so grab yourself some inspiration.

001 47

002 46

003 41

004 45

005 43

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007 39

Which poster do you think most effectively communicates the message? Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

Stacey Kole

Stacey Kole

Stacey Kole is a freelance writer and former magazine editor. When she’s not crafting copy or chasing after her two little boys, Stacey can be found drinking coffee, tea, or anything else with caffeine. You can connect with her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter.

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