There’s no escaping the fact that some of the most vital information can be as dull as dishwater. No matter how you try and write up facts and figures, they just don’t grab people.
When it comes communication, an infographic is worth a thousand statistics. So we’re delighted that our sister-site,, has put together this great deal on a huge infographic bundle to get you started on the path to viral content.
Included in the deal are over 100 unique infographic templates, packed with different elements to really engage your audience. The templates come in different shapes and sizes, and feature different activities, maps, graphs, and great illustrations.
Each template comes in 3 different formats, PSD; EPS and AI, so you can easily edit them in your favorite graphics app. Better still they’re all vectors, so you can resize to any resolution you like.
These great infographic templates are the best way to take tedious data and go viral, reaching a bigger audience and making a name for yourself. They’re ideal for bloggers, design agencies, and anyone who wants to communicate with a wider audience.
The regular retail value of these professional infographic elements is $59, but for a limited time is offering a 54% discount, meaning you pay just $32! Head over to to grab this offer now.
![Deal of the week: Massive infographic bundle preview]()
Do you use infographics in your work? Which of these elements would be most useful to you? Let us know in the comments.
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