It doesn’t matter how great a designer you are, without feedback from your visitors, anything you design will only ever be an educated guess. Great feedback enables you to design real solutions to actual problems in an iterative fashion.
It goes without saying that the better your feedback, the better the design that results from it. That’s why over 200,000 companies, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, use Hotjar to grab feedback from users.
Hotjar’s latest innovation is Incoming Feedback. Incoming Feedback delivers instant visual feedback for your website, or app; it helps you develop a better user experience, by revealing what your users love, and hate.
![Gain Greater User Insight with Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback WDDArticleImage1]()
Incoming Feedback sits like a tab at the edge of your screen. You can customise the position, color, flow, and message of the widget in your Hotjar settings. When a user clicks to submit feedback a pop-up appears allowing them to choose from five options: hate, dislike, neutral, like, and love. Once the user has picked an option, they can then choose to add a comment about their experience.
![Gain Greater User Insight with Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback WDDArticleImage2]()
![Gain Greater User Insight with Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback WDDArticleImage3]()
One of the best features is that when a user is submitting feedback, they can use the optional area selection tool to highlight an element on your page; you’ll know exactly what content they’re loving or hating.
![Gain Greater User Insight with Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback WDDArticleImage4]()
Incoming Feedback allows your visitors to send you feedback in just 2 clicks, with the optional screen shot for context. The ease of sharing their feelings significantly increases the chance of users doing so—yes, they could email you, but most disgruntled users would rather bad mouth you on social media—incoming feedback means that not only will the feedback get to you, but only you will get it.
![Gain Greater User Insight with Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback WDDArticleImage5]()
![Gain Greater User Insight with Hotjar’s Incoming Feedback WDDArticleImage6]()
For greater insights, you can combine Incoming Feedback with Hotjar Session Recordings, or Hotjar Polls so you can understand user feedback in the context of their personal journeys. Performance tracking lets you analyse your progress over time, celebrate your victories, and uncover where you have room for improvement. Tracking progress across your entire site helps you monitor your whole output, and identify opportunities for growth.
So far, over 2.4 million people have shared feedback via Incoming Feedback with household names from Nintendo, to Microsoft, to Intuit. You can join them by signing up for a Hotjar account today.
[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Hotjar –]
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