Color choice is a key element to the success of any design. It invokes an atmosphere and sets the mood. One method for using color is to use only shades of a color, which is known as a monochromatic color scheme.
Of all the color schemes, the monochromatic is one of the easiest to pull off successfully. This reason for such ease is that one shade of a color will naturally almost always work with another shade of the same color.
One of the most popular monochromatic color schemes is Blue. This is likely because blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed. Blue, however, is not the only successful color scheme. Greens, Purples, Browns, Reds can also appropriately set a mood.
In this article, we feature 50 monochromatic website designs, categorized based on the predominant color that they use.
Blacks, Whites and Grayscale
Compiled exclusively for WDD by Michael Shelton. Michael is a web designer and graphic design student who has worked in both web and print for over 4 years.
Which color scheme is your favorite to use and why? Do you know of any other examples besides the ones listed here? Please post them in the comments section of this post.