A great source of stock images, vectors, textures, and patterns is an essential component in any freelancer’s toolbox. Not only can stock images be used as intended, but they’re also an amazing source of design inspiration. Whether you’re stuck for a layout, or puzzling over a color scheme, browsing through a good stock catalog can really fire up the creative juices. It’s especially helpful when you can download the assets and rework them. Unfortunately, a good source of stock images that doesn’t break the bank is rare. One such, is GraphicStock; a subscription-based design site that has just undergone a relaunch.
GraphicStock’s recent redesign has seen a huge boost in user experience across their library of images. It’s now easier than ever to shortlist assets and download them for your projects. As part of the relaunch, 50,000 new photos have been added, bringing the total number of images to over 350,000 files. Like any stock site, you’ll find the usual categories, like business, people, abstracts, and textures; all royalty free and usable on personal or commercial projects.

Where GraphicStock differs from most sites is that it’s a subscription service. For one low price of $99 you’ll have access to the entire GraphicStock archive with unlimited downloads. With GraphicStock’s simple, easy to understand pricing model, you’ll never have to worry about credits, or pay as you go plans, or paying $9.99 per image. GraphicStock adds new content all the time, so even if you don’t need an asset for a project, or for inspiration, it’s worth logging in just to check out what’s new.
Stock images are ideal for bringing pages to life, illustrating concepts, creating atmosphere, and even reinforcing brand values. It’s amazing how versatile some images can be; all you need is a basic design application and you’ll quickly find dozens of different use cases. The price of an annual plan on GraphicStock is less than the price of a single image at some stock sites, so maintaining a membership is one way to ensure that you always have the assets you need.
GraphicStock is offering a 7 day trial membership for those who want to explore their collection. Even if you cancel your subscription, anything that you download during the trial is royalty-free and yours to keep forever. To get started, head over to graphicstock.com to begin your 7 day trial.
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