8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Website Typography in Under 30 minutes

Typography is one of the most important elements of any site, having a measurably large impact on brand and experience.

Should You Become a Web Designer in 2021?

If you’re here, then you’re thinking about becoming a web designer and wondering if it’s a smart move. Honestly, it’s…

Celebrating 20 Years of Wikipedia

20 years ago, Wikipedia was started with the ambitious aim of creating a free encyclopedia for the whole…

20 Best New Websites, January 2021

Here we are into a brand new year, and although we’re far from out of the woods yet, there is a feeling of renewed hope…

6 Best Ecommerce Solutions for 2021

It’s never been easier to set up an ecommerce store and start selling. There are a dizzying array of ecommerce…

12 Best WordPress Themes for 2021

If you already have a good idea of what you want a new website to look like, the next step would be to decide on the…

Poll: Should Designers Stay Out of Politics?

The Beazley Design of the Year for 2020 has just been awarded to US architecture firm Rael San Fratello & Colectivo…

Exciting New Tools for Designers, January 2021

The new year is often packed with resolutions. Make the most of those goals and resolve to design better, faster, and…

6 Tools for Rapid Cross-Device Website Testing

When creating a website, it’s vital to remember that not only does it need to work and look great on the device you are…

What’s New in Ecommerce, January 2021

Ecommerce design may seem fairly straight-forward; you build an online store that showcases a company’s products or…

Poll: Is Burger King Rebrand a Taste of the Future?

Burger King, the globally recognized food chain with 19,000 restaurants worldwide, has unveiled a redesigned set of…

4 Predictions for the Web in 2021

The start of the year is always a good time to reassess priorities and consider new approaches, but 2021 is more of a…

How CentOS Became 2020’s Final Victim

If you were paying close attention to your IT department around the 8th of December, you might have heard some quiet…

How to Choose a Bare Metal Server from OVHcloud

There are dozens of factors that influence the UX of your site, app, or game. Most of them are beyond your control;…

3 Essential Design Trends, January 2021

Don’t drop the ball on these website design trends for the new year. All of the trends featured here this month are…

The Potential of AR in Web Design

Over the years, experts have repeatedly discussed the possible impact of mixed realities on web design. Concepts like…

Deal: The Preposterously Huge Book of Google Font Combinations

Google Fonts is one of the most useful tools designers have, with hundreds of amazing fonts provided for free. But if…

50 Best Websites of 2020

2020 has been one of the most memorable years in our history. Few of us have been alive long enough to experience a…

9 Easy Ways to Deal With Difficult Clients

In the design industry, you may often feel like it’s you, the designer, vs. the client. Creative differences do arise…

Top New CMS Plugins, December 2020

Looking for the best new CMS plugins to take your website to the next level? Well look no further. In this post,…

5 Ways to Boost Engagement With Animation

Animation is a fun and interesting way to bring life to a website. Used correctly, it can capture audience attention,…

Display the Latest News on Your Site With mediastack

What an extraordinary year 2020 has been for the news! From the ongoing coronavirus crisis, to a turbulent US election,…

Exciting New Tools for Designers, December 2020

Jumpstart your next design project or speed up a workflow with some of these new tools and resources. With so many new…

2 Smartest Ways to Structure Sass

Depending on the size of the project you are working on, you can structure your Sass code in two ways: a simple one for…